Total 50 results for... Cognitive Dev't

Encourage Critical Thinking through Literacy

Once adolescents have developed fluent reading skills, they can use these to expand their knowledge of the world and critical thinking skills.

Cognitive Dev't

Building a foundation for literacy

Reading is fundamental life skill, helping with knowledge, empathy, confidence and more. Lay the foundations for literacy now.

Cognitive Dev't

Best practices to foster reading

It's a great time of year to prioritize literacy. Here are some ways you can help as a parent.

Cognitive Dev't

Curiosity and Early Motivation for Learning

Infants and toddlers are naturally curious, ready to explore the world around them.  How you respond to their exploration and curiosity will set the tone for future learning.

Cognitive Dev't

Help your child learn better with self-explanation

Self-explanation, otherwise known as re-explaining a concept in your own words, is a powerful way to deepen understanding and comprehension, in school work, and beyond.

Cognitive Dev't

Fantasy, dress-up & play-acting are good for kids!

Besides being lots of fun, imaginary play and dress up have important cognitive and emotional benefits for our kiddos. They deserve not only your full support, but engagement as well!

Cognitive Dev't

Adolescents & Identity Exploration

Adolescents are trying out a range of personas and roles as they explore their own identity. Supporting their explorations will allow you to know your child more deeply.

Cognitive Dev't

Foundational executive skills - time & schedule

Young children live very much in the present moment. But you can plant the seeds for time awareness, which will help as their executive functions mature.

Cognitive Dev't

Managing Time & Schedule with Adolescents

Now that you have an adolescent, it's time to hand over responsibility for time- and schedule- management to them. With your support, of course!

Cognitive Dev't

Managing Time & Schedule

You may be pleasantly shocked to learn how much your kiddo can actually do their own time-keeping and routine-following.

Cognitive Dev't

Partnering with your child's teacher & school

Your child will learn best if you partner with their teacher to reinforce their learning at home. Read on for strategies.

Cognitive Dev't

Get ready to rock this school year

Prep your adolescent with a few simple steps, to start out the new year stronger than ever.

Cognitive Dev't